Sunday, August 28, 2011

Forex Trading Slumdog - How To Make Millions With A Forex Trading Guide

Daniel S.

Forex Trading Slumdog - How To Make Millions With A Forex Trading Guide

What are most people actually looking for in a forex trading guide, so that it can help them achieve their dreams of making millions from forex trading? I would say that a good forex trading guide would have consist of forex trading basics, forex technical analysis, fundamental analysis, trading psychology, forex trading systems, money management rules, forex glossary, how to choose forex broker etc.

Some of the forex trading guides provides forex trading tutorials to introduce you to the global forex trading, so that you will know how to trade forex in a shorter time and help you become a successful and profitable forex trader. Along the way, you will gain an understanding of how foreign exchange prices move and how to develop your own trading system. Some guides include forex trading tips, which is important for those who are new to trading, but also adds value to advanced traders too.

Let's zoom in into some of the contents that are provided in a forex trading guide. Basically, you can find contents like the mechanics and introduction to forex trading, how to be a profession forex trader etc in the forex basics section. Forex technical analysis helps you to be able to read forex charts, use of Fibonacci, support and resistance etc.

Are you a very emotional person who reacts hugely to cases when you win or lose money? If you are, the trading psychology part will teach you how you can control your emotions, how you can overcome greed etc when it comes to trading.

You may find that most people first thing will look for the trading system, let it be a forex course, an ebook, or a tutorial. Why is that so? Most people thought that they can profit with the trading system alone, which is untrue as there is a need for money management and emotions control too!

There are many forex trading systems out there in the world, but you have to find one that fits your personality. There are methods like forex scalping, forex trend trading, breakout system and the list continues. Most traders love automated forex trading as a forex trading software will trade for them without having to open and close a trade manually. Of course, there are pitfalls in those systems too!

So by the time you have gone through everything in a forex trading guide, provided that guide is not a slumdog, and have found your trading system with money management, discipline and emotions controlBusiness Management Articles, you should be ready to make money trading forex online.
Source: Free Articles from

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

الهامش النقدي - المارجن

الهامش النقدي ( المارجن )

يعد العمل بنظام الهامش النقدي من الاستراتيجيات واسعة الانتشار في عالم المال و الاستثمار، فهذا النظام يعمل على زيادة (القوة الشرائية للمستثمر) و يقلل من العبء المالي المطلوب للدخول في عمليات المتاجرة في السوق العالمي.

إن نظام الهامش النقدي(المارجن) يعتمد بشكل مباشر على الرافعة المالية (everage) لحساب المستثمر، وفي المثال التالي سنقوم بتوضيح الفكرة العامة لنظام المارجن إن شاء الله.

على سبيل المثال اذا قام احد المستثمرين بفتح حساب مارجن بقيمة 5000$ و كانت الرافعة المالية لهذا الحساب 1:100، فهذا يعني ان القوة الشرائية لهذا المستثمر ستتضاعف لتبلغ 500,000$ يتحمل منها فقط ال 5000$ الموجودة في الحساب و لن يتحمل اي عبئ مالي اضافي .

و بمعنى اكثر وضوحا، إذا رغب المستثمرفي بيع او شراء 100,000€ على سبيل المثال فسيكون بحاجة لمبلغ 1000$ فقط كمارجن ليتمكن من المتاجرة بمبلغ 100,000€.

مثال: عبدلله مستثمر في الاسواق المالية العالمية، و من خلال خبرته في هذا المجال و من خلال التحاليل التي يواضب على قرائتها، يعتقد عبدلله بان سعر صرف الجنيه الاسترليني مقابل الدولار الامريكي (GBP/USD) سيرتفع من1.8645 ليصل الى مستويات 1.8770 خلال الايام القليلة القادمة .قرر عبدلله ان يقوم بعملية شراء 150,000 جنيه استرليني مقابل الدولار الامريكي.فكم سيحتاج عبدلله من النقود للقيام بهذه العملية التجارية على فرض انه يملك حساب متاجرة على المارجن برافعة مالية 1:100 ؟

المارجن المطلوب = المبلغ الكلي ×الرافعة المالية = 150,000× 0.01 = 1500$

سيقوم عبدلله باستخدام مبلغ 1500$ من حساب المارجن الخاص به، ليتمكن من شراء 150,000 جنيه استرليني مقابل الدولار الامريكي على سعر صرف 1.8645

وبعد مضي يومين ارتفع سعر صرف الجنيه الاسترليني مقابل الدولار الامريكي الى مناطق 1.8733 فقرر عبدلله ان يقوم ببيع المبلغ الذي قام بشراءه.

فما هي نتيجة المتاجرة التي قام بها عبدلله؟الربح او الخسارة =(سعر البيع - سعر الشراء) × حجم العقد × عدد العقود =(1.8733-1.8645 × 150,000) =1320$

نلاحظ من المثال السابق بان نظام المارجن يتيح للمستثمر فرصة الدخول في صفقات كبيرة و الحصول على الفائدة كاملة، وذلك من خلال المتاجرة بمبالغ صغيرة نوعيا. حيث ان هذا النظام يقلل من العبء المالي المطلوب من المستثمر و يضاعف القوة الشرائية لحساب المتاجرة الخاص به.

و يجب ان نلاحظ ان ازدياد الارباح المتوقعة على هذه الاسترتيجية، سترافق بازدياد المخاطر المتوقعة لنفس الاستثمار، في حالة عدم تحقق التوقعات لحركة السوق -لا قدّر الله- ولتقليل هذه المخاطر ننصح دائما باستخدام استراتيجيات وقف الخسارة عند الدخول في اي عملية متاجرة و الله ولي التوفيق.

أهم ما يميز سوق العملات

أهم ما يميز سوق العملات:
  • يتميز سوق العملات بأنه أعلى سوق من حيث حجم المعاملات التجارية اليومية.

  • أمكانية التداول في هذا السوق على مدار 24 ساعة/5 أيام في الأسبوع. وفرص الدخول والاستثمار في هذا السوق غير محدودة أبدا فيمكنك القيام بمئات الصفقات في اليوم بسهولة ويسر ودون حدود.

  • أمكانية التداول الآني في هذا السوق حيث أنه يعمل بنظام SPOT ويتميز هذا النظام بسرعته وقدرت المتاجر على البيع والشراء بسرعة وحال إدخال أمر الشراء والبيع. حيث أن البائع والمشتري في هذا السوق متواجد في كل لحظة.

  • هذا السوق مما يميزه أيضا انه ليس حكرا على جهة معينة يتحكمون في حركته بل هذا السوق كبير جدا ولا يمكن التحكم فيه بسهولة واحتكاره والتلاعب بأسعار العملات فيه.

  • وأهم ميزة في سوق العملات هي وجود مسارين لتحقيق الربح حيث أنك تستطيع البيع في حال انخفاض العملات ثم الشراء من أسفل وكذلك تستطيع الشراء وفي حال ارتفاع العملة تقوم بالشراء من أعلى.
  • وجود الرافعة المالية والتي تتيح لك المتاجرة بمبالغ بسيطة نسبيا.
أهم المميزات أيضا والتي يجب وضعها بالاعتبار قبل دخول هذا السوق هو الربح العالي جدا والذي يقابله المخاطرة العالية، فبالإمكان المتاجرة وتحقيق مكاسب كبيرة جدا وخيالية في هذا السوق وفي مدة قصيرة جدا وأيضا إذا لم يحسن المتاجر التصرف مع هذا السوق من حيث دراسته ومعرفة بعض أساسيات وأساليب التعامل معه فإنه قد يتكبد خسائر كبيرة

طريقة المتاجرة في سوق الفوركس

طريقة المتاجرة في سوق الفوركس:

يتم التعامل على مبدأ الرافع المالية LEVRAGE MARGIN والتي تميز هذا السوق بشكل كبير حيث يستطيع المتاجرين الدخول بمبالغ مالية بسيطة نسبيا حتى يتمكنون من المتاجرة في هذا السوق.

على سبيل المثال عندما تقوم بالمتاجرة ب1000 دولار فكأنك تتعامل بمبلغ 100000 دولار داخل هذا السوق والمبلغ التأميني كما ذكرت هو 1000 دولار فقط. ويسمى هنا عقد واحد.
أمثلة على عمليات البيع والشراء في هذا السوق:

أولا قبل عمليات البيع والشراء يبني المتاجر قراراته على حسب تحليله لحركة العملات من خلال الرسم البياني والتحليل الفني
يقوم المتاجر بالشراء في النقاط المنخفضة والبيع في النقاط العالية.
كما يستطيع المتاجر البيع في النقاط العالية والقيام بالشراء في المناطق المنخفضة.

لنفرض أنك قمت بالدخول شراء عقدين (Lot) على زوج اليورو/دولار عند النقطة 1.2410 وارتفع السعر ثم قمت بالبيع عند النقطة 1.2420 سيكون حساب الربح والخسارة هنا بالطريقة التالية:

الربح أو الخسارة = ](سعر البيع – سعر الشراء) * حجم العقد[ * عدد العقود

الربح أو الخسارة= ](1.2420-1.2410)*100.000 [ 2

الربح أو الخسارة= 200 دولار

ولكن السؤال هنا ما هي العملة التي قمت بشرائها؟

في المثال السابق قمنا بشراء اليورو أي أننا قمنا ببيع الدولار ثم أجرينا عملية بيع اليورو أي أننا قمنا بشراء الدولار،

عندما تسمع عملية قم بشراء الزوج التالي يورو/ دولار أو دولار/ فرنك فإن العملة المقصودة بالشراء هي العملة الأولى وتبيع العملة الثانية.

ونفس الطريقة في البيع. أي أن الحديث دائما يدور على الوجه الأول للزوج.


هناك طريقة أخرى لتسهيل عملية حساب الربح والخسارة وهي كالتالي:

قم بطرح سعر البيع من سعر الشراء وقم بإزالة الفاصلة من الناتج سيظهر لك عدد النقاط

ثم اضربها بـ10 واضربها بعدد العقود

أي أن سعر البيع في المثال السابق=1.2420

سعر الشراء في المثال السابق=1.2410

1.2420-1.2410=.0010 قم بإلغاء الفاصلة سيكون عدد النقاط 10 نقاط

ثم بعد ذلك اضربها بـ10 لتحصل على الربح بالدولارات للعقد ثم اضربها بعدد العقود


مثال أخر للزوج أخر ين/دولار

قمت بالبيع عند النقطة 109.10

وعندما انخفض السعر قمت بالبيع عند 108.60

سيكون مجموع النقاط هنا 109.10-108.60=50 نقطة

50نقطة * 10 = 500 دولار للعقد

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Free Forex Signals

Free Forex Signals - Learn the Secrets to Forex Trading

Forex signals is deemed as one of the most essential factors that are given greater stress and emphasis when you hit the trade market. As a lot of people begin to rely on forex signals to provide them with a clear strategy, so as the search for free forex signals begin. True enough, there are various providers that give free signals however; this is considered short term reliefs since you never know when these free providers are going to pull the plug and the last thing you know everything's over. Therefore, you have to secure a kind of forex signal that will not only allow you to have free access to exchange currency market but also the ways on improving your skills.
Free forex signals served greater purpose of providing traders with the accurate signals that allows them to trail on repeated patterns and through this generate a prediction of how will the currency move. This is of the essence since as you begin to do your trade chances of acquiring a wrong move is inevitable and you will be left with nothing but to go back to square one and try your luck on your next trade. However, with free forex signals, you no longer have to endure anxiousness when trading as accurate signals are transmitted on your database.
Serious forex traders have greatly rely on free forex signals apart from its greater outcome, one of the most gleaned factor is its ability to reward traders with profits that they never imagine they can get. You can also try on investing forex signals and make this your partner for lifetime. As people would prefer to have subscription rather than the free ones it is never difficult to find one for your trade.
Accurate signals have become the indicators of the market's flow and behavior. These signals serve as your eye in the entire course of your foreign exchange dealings. Some of the factors that are provided by the forex signals are forex patterns, currency pairs, breakouts and Fibonacci levels. These are some of the things to look at when you are in a trade. This is precisely the reason why a trader without sufficient knowledge of the market will do no good in his dealings. These signals also provide traders of the idyllic timing when it comes to buying and selling currencies. The forex signal provides you with various information and recommendation if it would be favorable to buy or sell your currency. This type of recommendation is given by your provider or if you employ a broker then you most likely receive signals through an agent.
Forex signals are generally given on a daily updated basis and all are contingent on factual market analysis and behavioral flow and not on mere hearsays and other speculations.
Looking at the practical side, it would be a best option to go by free forex signals however, if you have the financial means to fund a subscription then you may acquire for one. But regardless of it being free or not, the underlying principle relies on the fact that forex signals are your way towards unleashing the secrets of forex trading.
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Forex Trading Styles

Forex Trading Styles: Choosing The Forex Style That Suits You

When you start out in Forex currency trading you will be faced with deciding which of the two main styles to use. Of course, you could combine both styles but there are only so many hours in the day, so it is likely that you will choose one or other of them.
We will explore the main elements of these Forex trading styles below.
Fundamental Forex trading
As a beginner, this is probably the least likely style that you will use. Fundamental trading is based on the examination of economic data. That said, you may indirectly use fundamentals as some of the data used is covered in the day to day news bulletins and in newspapers.
Fundamentalists analyze government reports, current events, news coverage, political events, changes in interest rates, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) changes, inflation predictions, retail price data, unemployment levels and any other factors that they consider important in currency fluctuations. This can extend to political elections, attacks by terrorists, military conflicts, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.
Technical Forex trading.
This is the most likely tool for the beginner Forex trader. Charts are used to analyze what has happened in the particular currency market you are interested in and then to predict what is likely to happen in the future, based on past events.
At their most basic, charts display the historic relationship between the two currencies you are interested in. This will show the peaks and troughs in the relationship and when you become sufficiently proficient, a chart should be able to help you predict future currency movements.
If you are new to technical Forex trading then the amount of information available to you may appear overwhelming. Take the time to study what you are looking at and make sure that you trade "on paper" before spending your own money.
There are a number of services online who provide chart data in real time. If you decide to trade on the Forex markets as a day trader, such information is essential. A lot can happen during the course of a day and you need to make sure that you stay on top of any fluctuations. This is especially important since the currency market is open 24 hours on weekdays and is a global marketplace.

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Forex Trading Psychology

Forex Trading Psychology: What Makes A Successful Forex Trader?

The Forex market has changed through the years, growing in volume and expanding across multiple time zones.
Brokerage houses have changed, too, going online with sophisticated software and powerful servers.
Economic indicators and technical analysis have become more sophisticated, too, until the Forex market of today bears little resemblance to what it used to be.
But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed: most traders lose.
Despite all the advances in the Forex marketplace, the ratio of winners to losers remains low. Experts agree that the most hopeful number that can be advanced is a measly 10%, which means that 90% of all traders on any particular day will lose.
Experts also agree that the reason most traders lose is because they allow their emotions to cloud their judgment.
Most people trade on hope and fear, rather than facts. Rather than basing their trades on what the charts and the indicators actually say, these people trade on what they want them to say. They hang onto a losing trade and follow the graph down, hoping the currency pair will turn around. Or they exit a trade too soon, fearing the trend won’t last, and are satisfied with pennies that even the best Forex money management cannot balance against their losses.
Other people lose through greed, by trying to pick the highs and lows too nicely to maximize their profits to the penny. Rather than waiting to place a trade when the indicators confirm the market’s movement, they jump in too soon and are disappointed when the anticipated break-out never occurs.
Remember, there is no magic software or fool-proof trading scheme. If you cannot control your emotions, then you cannot become a winner despite yourself. But there are things you can do to improve your chances of being one of the winners, and the most powerful is to follow these rules of Forex trading:
Prepare a trading plan, using good Forex money management skills and the trading strategy of your choice—then trade your plan. Don’t alter your plan or fudge your criteria if you don’t see a good trade for a few days; wait for the market to fulfill your requirements before risking your money. Remember the law of averages: sooner or later, the market will come around.
Use stops, and trailing stops when possible, to control losses and protect your profits. Remember to set your stops far enough away from the entry price so that you aren’t closed out by normal market jitters.
Paper trade with a demo account until you are efficient and feel comfortable in the market.
When you move on and start trading with real money, it feels different than paper trading! But this is no time to change your plan. To minimize the effects of emotion, set a small, realistic initial goal and trade until you achieve your goal more often than not. Use small sums in micro or mini accounts. Only when you are comfortable risking your cash and sometimes losing it should you attempt to trade with larger sums of money.
Study your trading record and try to figure out what went wrong when you lost. To put it simply, learn from your mistakes. That alone will put you ahead of the crowd!

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Forex Trading via Mobile Phone and Email

Forex Trading via Mobile Phone and Email

In the world of Forex, investor will be smart to choose forex broker, forex software, forex charts and other tools that can help him gain much money and minimize lost. There are many alternatives to help him achieve his goal.

One of them is by using the Forex Trading Signals. There are many Forex Signal Services that available on internet. They have many varieties of offerings that can attract investors. The demand of Forex Trading Signals is quiet high, no wonder many services offer many features with competitive cost.

Here are several things that Forex Trading Signal can work for clients. It gives the chance for clients to get information, news and annoucnements of trade. This will help clients not to waste their whole time, day and night, staring that Forex trades and monitoring charts. The Forex Trading Signal will totally monitor the forex market and inform to client in real-time when will be the perfect time to trade. Numbers of Forex Signal Services on internet will send messages to clients about the fast sign in real-time to clients’ cellphone, when ever, where ever they are. This sign is a notification about the good time to make Forex trading. Those massages consist of Entry Point, Stop Loss and Take-Profit Targets. The Forex Signal Services will inform clients when is the time to buy and sell. This is how it works. After cleint receive notification of trading, then he should get to the computer or from that Smartphone to browse internet and start to connect to the services for the next step of signal platform.

Usually, companies provide Forex Trading Signal Service give numbers of promotion, such as: area of service to send messages via mobile phone comprise many countries, the massage of notification of trade will be send in real-time, the monitoring of market is 24 hours and 7 days, messages can be send via mobile phone or email, the technology is compatible that allows any kinds of networks in countries of their service areas and messages are receivable to any type of mobile phone that can use to be given text messages. All of those services will really support client to get maximum return and minimum lost.

The instructions that existed in the program of Forex Trading Signal will commonly easy to follow. Even for a beginner will not be a problem to try Forex Trading Signal. The instructions are presented with step by step method until the decision of buying or selling is given. The platforms of most Forex Trading Signal Services usually work with all kind of web browser either on the mobile phone or on PC.

The member of the Forex Trading Signal teams are usually people who are professional in monitoring 8 currency pairs. They monitor it in the whole 24 hours a day and 7 days, and they will give signal to clients only in the right time to trade. That is the reason whyComputer Technology Articles, many people demand working with Forex Trading Signal. Because they will not have to spend much time to monitor the chart all the time. But they can depend on that Forex Trading Signal Service to do the job.

Source: Free Articles from

It’s Forex AutoPilot System Effective To Buy ?

The Forex Success Guide Review - It’s Forex AutoPilot System Effective To Buy ?

When it comes to forex trading on the internet, you can’t cut and run investors articulate about using software to add to their earning potential. Forex software helps to automate the only today routine of forex trading and the most essential facet is it helps you to bring to effect profits in a big way.
Among the many Forex software products out in the effect a sale, Forex Autopilot software is one of the top products people are using. The software is created by Marcus Leary, who is a mathematician that understands how forex trading and the industry marshaling. The software is released in the rear countless studies on the data and sentiments of the hawk and of course, successive it made the agent spate of profits using it.
Using the software is easy individually you the specifics how to splat on it. Install the software, open an account softball a sharediamond diamond intercessor and let the trading robots do the job, which is trading on your behalf. Because Forex Autopilot is a software that can softwood on its own, you can have it serial epilepsy for you 24 hours a day. This is bonzer if you don’t have too much time looking at the data and keeping tracks of all your activities.
For those who are looking for a plywood-at-VA hospital try out of opportunity, no end in Forex trading, Forex Autopilot software gives a different view. You don’t have to do barren calling, go for opportunity affrontings, inner form a website or fire up affiliate carriage tradeing to make profits. teetotum the software, you can really paly at fireside on your own - in truth untenable for living soul who is turn about and doesn’t like to agree people so much.
The hint of affluence that you can make from Forex trading can be sumweak-minded. However, in any investments, there is risk engaged. Buying Forex Autopilot software does not guarantee that it will take out 100% of the risk. It will help the investors’ affairs easier in escape hatch of not having to collusion the data and rev it him. More or weak-voiced, it will help you manage the risks. This wise unparalleled is a huge conclude why citizenry encumbered in Forex trading be obliged get Forex Autopilot software.
On the financial uterine kin, Forex Autopilot software and the throw together is $399.50, which is priorly a canvassable price for a software that can help you make on Easy Street on autopilot, but for a incommodious time, there is a 75% disclaim coupon on the website and you can get it at only $99.50. “Non Farm Payroll Robot Add On” and “Ultra Trend Robot” are two irresistible bonuses willful for now.
There is also a 56 day free familiarization on the site. A complete refund will be accepted and no questions will be asked, if you in the bag that attendant Forex Autopilot System purchase is made and you’re not charmed stag party its performance.
In consideration, this guides have got to give you the first glimpse whether it is worth to buy Forex Autopilot System. It is choosen one of the top selling products on the purchasing public but the decision is rapidly in the action of the buyer.

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Forex Trader Forum

Forex Trader Forum, Where Forex Traders Talk About Forex

Forex Trading Strategies in Timing
Savvy forex traders often pinpoint the opportunities in forex trading and persist to time the industry so they know precisely when the right time is to trade, or buy. The problem is many traders buy at the wrong time, although they have monitored, explored, and checked the quotes daily. In addition, these people tend to bank on the notion that buying in forex is best when the market is low and the traders are pulling back.
At the entry level in forex, many traders erroneously time forex marketing without realizing how to fittingly, utilize pullback and the level of support.
Forex marketing has a strategy that many traders overlook. The prime strategy, which many forex traders believe is the key to profiting in the forex industry is the buying low and selling high strategy. Unfortunately, these traders are wrong, since it is a key to loosing instead.
Support in forex industry is when chronological value or pricing comes in from traders who “Buy.”
The mission behind buying is to provide support for the forex market exchange, as well as to analyze, examine, experiment, investigate, etc, the markets in forex currencies and exchange. Each time the traders test forex, it authenticates support.
Resistance becomes sizeable in the forex industry only when the levels of “resistance” is charted, i.e. at what time the levels of forex value, or pricing refuses to give in to jumping to a higher listing.
For this reason, at what time forex traders venture on buying low and selling high, they are making a big mistake. Traders who delay in forex trading markets will often recoil, or retract at the time some of the biggest deals transpire in the forex industry.
In short, the trends are what traders want to stay aware to, yet most traders will resist. Why, because the traders often feel uneasy at the times when other traders resisting buying and selling in forex.
Now, if you want to get ahead in forex trading and use strategies to win, I recommend you read the book on emotions, or the keys to success. No, these are not actual titles, yet visit your library to find relating material because what you are going to have to do to win in forex trading, is become friends to your discomfort.
Most people feel discomfort will experience distress, anxiety, and often it is because they fear embarrassment. The disadvantage of this way of thinking is that, most times the fears are exaggerated and the one fearing is the one who looses at the end.
Another big failure in life is that most people feel that if they are not on the normal level of thinking, they are not accepted and are set apart from the world. Read your history because you will find that the vast majority of those who succeeding in life, where different. That is they did not think on the terms of normal society. These people often win also in forex trading, since they set strategies apart from the rest.
In short, fear is the mechanism behind all failures. Now to sum up the best times to buy in forex trading. The best times to buy in trading industries, such as forex is when the market is “high” and traders are not resisting, or pulling back. In summary, when you use strategies in forex trading such as buying “high” and selling “higher,” you are off to a grand start in winning in the forex industry. As well, you have setup forex trading strategies that set you apart from the rest, which means your chances of winning are higher

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Elliott Wave Theory

Discover Some Magic To Beat The Forex: The Elliott Wave Theory For Forex Markets

One of the best known and least understood theories of technical analysis in forex trading is the Elliot Wave Theory. Developed in the 1920s by Ralph Nelson Elliot as a method of predicting trends in the stock market, the Elliot Wave theory applies fractal mathematics to movements in the market to make predictions based on crowd behavior. In its essence, the Elliot Wave theory states that the market – in this case, the forex market – moves in a series of 5 swings upward and 3 swings back down, repeated perpetually. But if it were that simple, everyone would be making a killing by catching the wave and riding it until just before it crashes on the shore. Obviously, there’s a lot more to it.
One of the things that makes riding the Elliot Wave so tricky is timing – of all the major wave theories, it’s the only one that doesn’t put a time limit on the reactions and rebounds of the market. A single In fact, the theories of fractal mathematics makes it clear that there are multiple waves within waves within waves. Interpreting the data and finding the right curves and crests is a tricky process, which gives rise to the contention that you can put 20 experts on the Elliot Wave theory in one room and they will never reach an agreement on which way a stock – or in this case, a currency – is headed.
Elliot Wave Basics
• Every action is followed by a reaction.
It’s a standard rule of physics that applies to the crowd behavior on which the Elliot Wave theory is based. If prices drop, people will buy. When people buy, the demand increases and supply decreases driving prices back up. Nearly every system that uses trend analysis to predict the movements of the currency market is based on determining when those actions will cause reactions that make a trade profitable.
• There are five waves in the direction of the main trend followed by three corrective waves (a "5-3" move).
The Elliot Wave theory is that market activity can be predicted as a series of five waves that move in one direction (the trend) followed by three ‘corrective’ waves that move the market back toward its starting point.
• A 5-3 move completes a cycle.
And here’s where the theory begins to get truly complex. Like the mirror reflecting a mirror that reflects a mirror that reflects a mirror, the each 5-3 wave is not only complete in itself, it is a superset of a smaller series of waves, and a subset of a larger set of 5-3 waves – the next principle.
• This 5-3 move then becomes two subdivisions of the next higher 5-3 wave.
In Elliot Wave notation, the 5 waves that fit the trend are labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (impulses). The three correcting waves are called a, b and c (corrections). Each of these waves is made up of a 5-3 series of waves, and each of those is made up of a 5-3 series of waves. The 5-3 cycle that you’re studying is an impulse and correction in the next ascending 5-3 series.
• The underlying 5-3 pattern remains constant, though the time span of each may vary.
A 5-3 wave may take decades to complete – or it may be over in minutes. Traders who are successful in using the Elliot Wavy theory to trade in the currency market say that the trick is timing trades to coincide with the beginning and end of impulse 3 to minimize your risk and maximize your profit.
Because the timing of each sequence of waves varies so much, using the Elliot Wave theory is very much a matter of interpretation. Identifying the best time to enter and leave a trade is dependent on being able to see and follow the pattern of larger and smaller waves, and to know when to trade and when to get out based on the patterns you identify.
The key is in interpreting the pattern correctly – in finding the right starting point. Once you learn to see the wave patterns and identify them correctly, say those who are experts, you’ll see how they apply in every facet of forex trading, and will be able to use those patterns to trigger your decisions whether you’re day trading or in it for the long haul.

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How to Trade the Forex

How to Trade the Forex, Get Free Forex Training and Forex Artificial Intelligence

Without question or hesitation, let there be no doubt in your mind, Forex Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay and it is the method of how to trade the Forex market and get into the jet stream of tremendous profitability rapidly!
The most important reason for such a audacious statement is that with today’s sophisticated scientifically enhanced computer technology there is incredible reliability and impeccable accuracy when it comes to working with Forex Artificial Intelligence also known as Forex AI.
It appears that even the classicist at heart must grant that such refined technology has become super efficient at rendering highly rewarding trading decisions and are able to do this in a matter of micro-seconds.
It is crucial to keep in mind that not all Forex Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs are equal in design and functionality, so be prudent. It is highly recommended that before you make a decision on one get an actual history of performance and “real live” account activity so that you can eyeball just how well this software is actually functioning.
If you are looking to figure out how to trade the Forex Market you will also want to reflect on a company that can supply you with Free Forex Training that can at least get you up to speed with various levels of learning in the currency market.
Let's get real... Free Forex Training can increase your confidence and get you into a very comfortable mind-set as you begin your adventure. During your quest, you may find that the utilization of Forex artificial intelligence is actually the best way on how to trade the Forex market, because you need no special skill or education to be up and operating.
If you are like me, you are excited and pumped-up about making money with the world Forex currency market and are chomping at the bit to get started with making some serious money, so if you can learn through free Forex training and having artificial intelligence make you money along the way, that’s a pretty sweet offer!
Reality of the matter is that we all are looking at the world currency market as a way to derived more income and do so in less time with minimized risk to our investment capital that is exactly what a good Forex AI program can offer you.
As a matter of fact some of the extremely advanced programs can go with 100% accuracy for weeks and months! Yeah, you read that right! I said 100% accurate and all you ever did was setup your key parameters and started getting profitable, in a flash!
I have come across numerous users of this kind of technology who enjoy 25% or more per month in profit returned! Without a doubt for even highly-seasoned professionals in currency trading this can all seem astronomically incredible. I agree, but it is very real.
So to run through the basic nuts and bolts of this article, I emphasize the fact that you can get started with your free Forex training, start making money through the use of Forex AI and be on your way to earning a colossal income with the world’s currency market and do all of this a lot easier than you may suppose.
Now that’s how to trade the Forex market! This classroom lesson is over!

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Forex For Beginners, Part 1

Tom Aikins

Forex For Beginners, Part 1

Vantage Forex is a forex broker website that provides top-quality online forex trading services to traders using a metatrader platform and forex trading experience.

In the foreign exchange market or forex market, rollover is a means of stretching the arranged clearing date or what is known as the settlement date of an open position. Mostly, in common currency trades, trades are to be completed in two business days. Traders who want to stretch their positions with no intention of settlement must close their positions before 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on the date of settlement day, and re-open the positions the next trading day. This means rolling over the position. This at the same time closes the existing positions at the daily close rate and then comes into a new opening rate at the next trading day. This actually means that the trader is indirectly extending the settlement day by one more day.
This is also called the “tomorrow next strategy.” It works in forex because many traders do not  want delivery of the currency they buy but instead they intend to get more profit from fluctuating exchange rates. Because rollovers extend the settlement by another two trading days, it may cause a gain or a cost to the trader depending on the existing rates.
Apparently, rollover is when an investor reinvests funds from a mature security into a new issue of the same or a similar security. The investor is transferring the holdings of one retirement plan to another without the agony of tax effects. A charge is incurred by forex investors who extend their positions on the following delivery date.
Rollover interest is the net result of the money borrowed by an investor to purchase another currency; this interest is paid on the borrowed currency and earned on the purchased currency. To calculate this, you should get the short-term interest rates of each currency, the existing exchange rate of the currency pair and the number of the currency pair purchased. For instance, an investor possesses 15,000 CAD/USD. The present rate is 0.9155, the short term interest rate on the Canadian dollar (base currency) is 4.50% and the short term interest on the US dollar (quoted currency) is 3.75%, so the interest would be $33.66 [{15,000 x (4.50% - 3.75%)} / (365 x 0.9155)].
If, however, the short term interest rate on the base currency is lower than the short term interest rate of the borrowed currency, the interest rate would result in a negative number which may generate a slight loss in the investor account.  This charge can be avoided by taking a closed position on the currency pair. If an option that is about to expire is quite favorable to grip, the investor can either buy or sell the later expiring option. Always note the interest rate that is paid by a currency trader or any that he may have received in the course of these forex trades is considered by the IRS as ordinary interest income or expense. For tax purposesFeature Articles, the trader of the currency should always keep track the interest received or paid separate from regular trading gains or losses.

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Forex Strategies

Praveen Ortec

Forex Strategies

This article is about forex trading strategies. Know more about various forex strategies used by forex traders for maximizing their profit and also minimizing their loss. Learn about the need of a forex strategy for an online forex trader.

Forex strategies are essential for a forex trader to profit from the market. Forex trading strategies make a trader more sophisticated and confident by helping him in making right calculations about the market. In a market with always changing exchange rates it is foolishness to trade hysterically by just following the emotions or advices from unreliable sources.
There are lots of forex trading strategies followed by forex traders. They can be broadly classified in to two type of strategies are profit maximizing strategies and risk minimizing strategies. The strategy differs with individuals as each trader has unique needs and has unique trading abilities. A trader must design a forex trading strategy according to many factors such as his or her initial investment, account size, trading ability, risk tolerance, currency pairs trading, geographical limitations/advantages, the broker to which he is affiliated, the trading system he/she uses, the profit goal (short-term profit or long-term profit), etc.
The most followed forex profit maximizing strategy is the leverage. Leverage allows forex traders to trade with more funds than in his or her account. The leverages are provided by the forex brokers to their clients. The usual leverage is 100:1 – i.e., for $1 in account the trader can borrow $100 from his broker. Day traders get much more leverage than other traders and the ratio leverage differ with brokers and also with the account minimum, type of contract trading etc.
The most popular forex risk minimizing strategy is the stop loss order. Stop loss orders help traders to limit their loss by stopping a trade at a preset price. Forex trading systems allows traders to set their stop loss order prices. One related strategy is the trailing stop losses, which are proportional stop loss prices that come into play only when the prices are falling. There are also many other types of stop loss orders available which mainly depends on the broker to which the trader is affiliated to.
One another related strategy is the automated order entry. Automated order entry enables a trader to enter into a trade at a preset price rate automatically. The trader can set the price at his trading platform. Automated order entry methods help traders to enter the market at most favorable time. Apart from these strategies forex traders can use forex futures and forex options to cover the loss and well as to cover the profit. These contracts help forex traders to buy or sell currencies at a predetermined rate at a point of time in future.
Apart from these trading strategies, forex trader follow many other strategies for choosing currency pairs, trading hours, entrance and exit prices etc. Irrespective of the type of the strategyPsychology Articles, all forex strategies involve risks. The success of a forex strategy depends on many factors like the market condition and the discipline of the trader.

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Trading in foreign currencies, " Forex "

Trading in foreign currencies, also called forex, allows trading 24-hours a day, five days a week, in the largest and most liquid market in the world. If you are interested in working part-time, and possibly earning a living sitting at home, then you have come to the right place!

Here , you will find all the resources you need to get started trading in forex

The forex market is a non-stop cash market where currencies of nations are traded, typically via brokers. Foreign currencies are constantly and simultaneously bought and sold across local and global markets, hence investments appreciate or depreciate in value based upon currency movements. Foreign exchange market conditions can change at any time in response to real-time events.

The main enticements of currency dealing to private investors and attractions for short-term forex trading are:

  • 24-hour trading, 5 days a week with access to global forex dealers
  • An enormous liquid market making it easy to trade most currencies
  • Volatile markets offering profit opportunities
  • Standard instruments for controlling risk exposure
  • The ability to profit in rising or falling markets
  • Leveraged trading with low margin requirements
  • Many options for zero commission trading
Forex trading
The investor's goal in forex trading is to profit from foreign currency movements. Forex trading is always done in currency pairs. When trading currencies, trade only when you expect the currency you are buying to increase in value relative to the currency you are selling. If the currency you are buying does increase in value, you must sell back the other currency in order to lock in a profit. An open trade (also called an open position) is a trade in which a trader has bought or sold a particular currency pair and has not yet sold or bought back the equivalent amount to close the position.

Private investors can trade in forex directly or indirectly through:

  • The spot market
  • Forwards and futures
  • Options
  • Contracts for difference
  • Spread betting
It is estimated that anywhere from 70% to 90% of the forex market is speculative. In other words, the person or institution that bought or sold the currency has no plan to actually take delivery of the currency in the end; rather, they were solely speculating on the movement of that particular currency.

Exchange rate
Currencies are traded in pairs and exchanged one against the other when traded, so the rate at which they are exchanged is called the exchange rate. The majority of the currencies are traded against the US dollar (USD). The four next-most traded currencies are the euro (EUR), the Japanese yen (JPY), the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Swiss franc (CHF). These five currencies make up the majority of the market and are called the major currencies or "the majors". Some sources also include the Australian dollar (AUD) within the group of major currencies.

Banks and/or online trading providers need collateral to ensure that the investor can pay in case of a loss. The collateral is called the margin and is also known as minimum security in forex markets. In practice, it is a deposit to the trader's account that is intended to cover any currency trading losses in the future. Margin enables private investors to trade in markets that have high minimum units of trading by allowing traders to hold a much larger position than their account value.

Leveraged financing
Leveraged financing is the use of credit, such as a trade purchased on a margin. It is very common in forex trading, and results in being able to control $100,000 for as little as $1,000.

Although Forex trading can lead to very profitable results, there are risks involved: exchange rate risks, interest rate risks, credit risks, and country risks. Approximately 80% of all currency transactions last a period of seven days or less, while more than 40% last fewer than two days. Given the extremely short lifespan of the typical trade, technical indicators heavily influence entry, exit and order placement decisions.
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